Posts filed under: Raising Righteous Muslims

Nurturing Children’s Future in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

By Farozan Warsi  Introduction I was attempting to figure out how to switch on the lights and lower the blinds in my daughter’s Smart home. I squinted at the panel... Read More

Our children, our priority!

By Farozan Warsi ‘And hold firmly to the rope of Allah and do not be divided!’ Al Imran V. 103 Would you agree that there is a general sense of... Read More


By Farozan Warsi I begin with a disclaimer today. This is a slightly sensitive topic and it is possible that many people might not agree with me or have a... Read More

What’s the Rudest Thing You Have Ever Been Asked?

By Khaula Siddique We have all had experiences where we have had to deal with rude people either making an insensitive comment or asking a question that crossed a boundary... Read More

7 Positive Parenting Tips for Muslim Mothers In 2022

By Dur-e-Sabih Without rules and regulations, this world is nothing but a concourse of chaos, having a lost sense of morality. Humans rank highest among the creations of God because... Read More

Discover 3 New Ways to Learn Quran Online with Tajweed

Things I’ve Learned as a Mom to find the Best Quran Teacher  My biggest fear is for my children to grow up without knowing Quran. What kind of Muslim parent... Read More

Webinar: Raising Middleschoolers with Confidence

Title: Raising Muslim Middle Schoolers With Clarity, Confidence and Islamic Values Webinar Organized by: MuslimMoms.Ca Conducted by: Saadia Khan from Strong Muslimah Life Coach  and Uzma Khan (Educator at Gibraltar Leadership Academy)... Read More

Intentional Parenting – An Islamic Perspective Workshop

Title: “Intentional Parenting – An Islamic Perspective” Workshop Organized by: MuslimMoms.Ca Conducted by: Saadia Khan from Strong Muslimah Life Coach Venue: Online via Zoom Cost: Free Date: Tuesday August 23,... Read More

How I raised My Daughters to be Leaders

By Latifa Soliman We help them take their first steps, then they lead the way. Our children are leaders by nature, it is us who either nurture their leadership or... Read More

How to Help Your little ones Learn to Fast

By: Mona Ismaeil Ramadan is here! Alhamdulillah! The most Holy time of the year. There is something about Ramadan that ignites all of our hearts and souls. It’s a time... Read More