Posts filed under: Health & Nutrition

Eating Clean on Vacation

By Paige Aziz Whether road tripping around the country or jet setting to exciting places, it can be challenging to stay on track when it comes to maintaining your clean eating... Read More

6 ways to support your Liver

By Muneerah Shiraz, CNP, NNCP, MBA When it comes to balancing hormones, losing weight, easing symptoms of menopause, and avoiding serious health conditions the #1 place to start is your... Read More

Transitioning into Winter Season

By Hira Mushtaq Winter is the season of dormancy. If we look at nature, plants shed their leave so they need to expend less energy to stay alive, many animals... Read More


By Tarannum Nasser Optimal Alignment- simply put, is the stacking of the joints in a way that creates ease of movement. When joints are in alignment, they create space between... Read More

Three Fool Proof Ways to Boost Your Immunity

By Hira Mushtaq Let’s face it… fall is a lot of things: The changing colors, back to school for the kids, and the end of summer. But with the changing... Read More

Chia Pudding

By Mehdia Mazhar Chia pudding is a healthy and easy breakfast option which only requires two ingredients: milk and chia seeds. Chia seeds are high in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids,... Read More

Nutrients Our Bodies Need to be Healthy

By Hira Mushtaq What Nutrients does our body need to be healthy? Our bodies need micro-nutrients and macro-nutrients to produce energy and perform all bodily functions. Micro-nutrients include vitamins and... Read More

Five Fundamentals for Starting Your Health Journey

By Hira Mushtaq Your health journey starts when you realize that you have to be in charge of your health and let’s be honest starting this journey can be overwhelming.... Read More

Ten Reasons to Eat Fruits During Ramadan

by Erum Zehra Ramadan is right around the corner and we are looking forward to this month of blessings and spirituality. This holy month gives us the opportunity to break... Read More

How to Get to 10,000 Steps a Day At Home & Outside

By Humairah Irfan This summer were running a 10,000 Steps Challenge from July 1- July 30, 2021. The challenge is very simple. As we are a large group, youll be... Read More