Posts filed under: Reflections

Nurturing Children’s Future in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

By Farozan Warsi  Introduction I was attempting to figure out how to switch on the lights and lower the blinds in my daughter’s Smart home. I squinted at the panel... Read More

Our children, our priority!

By Farozan Warsi ‘And hold firmly to the rope of Allah and do not be divided!’ Al Imran V. 103 Would you agree that there is a general sense of... Read More

Five Reasons Why I Would Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

By Khaula Siddique The other day I had a wedding to attend that I had been really looking forward to. All dressed up I realized that Canadian winters and desi... Read More

Reigning in positivity in the new year and setting achievable goals!

  By Humairah Irfan   Islam teaches that being positive and having a positive attitude are important for leading a fulfilling life. Muslims are encouraged to maintain a positive outlook,... Read More

Celebrating Yourself!

By Khaula Siddique With the New Year we all tend to make resolutions and goals to work towards and that is great, but it is very important to celebrate everything... Read More

Looking Forward to 2023!

By Khaula Siddique A New Year is always exciting, we do tend to feel excited about “new” things! However, it can also be daunting if you put unnecessary pressure with... Read More

Awakening: What Does This Mean and Are You Experiencing Your Own Wake-Up Call?

By Hanifa Menen Many people have heard of the term “awakening” these days as it is being spoken about more and more since many people are consciously experiencing this psychological... Read More


By Farozan Warsi I begin with a disclaimer today. This is a slightly sensitive topic and it is possible that many people might not agree with me or have a... Read More

The Importance of Financial Literacy for Women

By Khaula Siddique Money is a lot easier and a lot less scary to handle than we think or are taught. I feel from my experiences that a large part... Read More

What’s the Rudest Thing You Have Ever Been Asked?

By Khaula Siddique We have all had experiences where we have had to deal with rude people either making an insensitive comment or asking a question that crossed a boundary... Read More