Title: Raising Muslim Middle Schoolers With Clarity, Confidence and Islamic Values Webinar
Organized by: MuslimMoms.Ca
Conducted by: Saadia Khan from Strong Muslimah Life Coach  and Uzma Khan (Educator at Gibraltar Leadership Academy)
Venue: Online via Zoom                                                                                                                                                                                                Cost: Free
Date: Tuesday, 4 October 2022
Time: 8 pm – 9 pm
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/raising-muslim-middle-schoolers-with-confidence-tickets-422568141687

We invite you to this webinar where we will discuss topics related to raising middle school-aged children with a question-answer session afterwards. Do you struggle to understand your middle schooler? Do you worry about their development? Do you wonder if youre raising them to be good Muslims? Do you worry theyre wasting too much time on Tik Tok and Video Games and not spending enough time on their studies or other productive pursuits? Come to this EXCLUSIVE webinar where we talk about all topics relating to your Muslim Middle Schooler. Middle School is a critical age and we want you to have the tools & strategies to parent your child with grace & confidence inshaAllah.