Posts filed under: Youth

Self-Care: Take a Creative Break!

By Khaula Siddique Art is good for you! Research shows that art is good for mental health, everyone should have a creative hobby to help them unwind from their stressful,... Read More

Part-Time Jobs for Kids

By Khaula Siddique   We had a couple of questions recently about part-time jobs for kids. What is the legal age when teens can start working and what are some... Read More

An Interview with Sarah Uddin from SMILE Canada

Recently our team member Beenish Mahmood interviewed Sarah Uddin from SMILE Canada. SMILE Canada- Support Services is a charity dedicated to supporting racialized children and youth with disabilities and their... Read More

Saving for the Education of Your Child Made Easy

By Erum Zehra As mothers, the education of our children is one of our primary concerns. We aspire to give them the best education possible. Fortunately, living in a country... Read More

Ed’s Note: Welcome Back to School

Salam Aleykum Sisters! After a summer break the team at are raring to get back to sharing their tips, tricks and experiences with you all. For the month of... Read More

Ed’s Note: Welcome Back to School

Salam Aleykum Sisters! After a summer break the team at are raring to get back to sharing their tips, tricks and experiences with you all. For the month of... Read More

MYVoice: A Publication By The Youth, For The Youth

By Aminah Ahmed MyVoice’s motto is ‘Empowering the Muslim youth creatively while learning and teaching our deen.’ MYVoice is a non-profit Muslim youth magazine entirely written and published by Muslim youth.... Read More

How To Connect With Your Teenager

By Somaira Arshad Lack of communication and over-parenting – these are two major issues that teens mostly complain about. Seemingly opposite, these two are actually different sides to the same... Read More