Mively is a web business directory with the aim of connecting and supporting local businesses all across the world.  MuslimMoms.Ca is providing the opportunity to the first five people to buy the premium plan of Mively and receive a FREE 15-minute live interview session.

To sign up you can visit: https://mively.com/pricing/

The premium plan on Mively is only $97 for the whole year and comes with:

  • Your own mini website,
  • Photo gallery,
  • Video gallery,
  • Customer reviews
  • Contact form and
  • Social media promotion by Mively!
  • An exclusive WhatsApp support group
  • Membership of Mively Facebook group which allows business promotion!!
  • Social Media Shoutouts.
  • Feature Interview
  • Reels (Interview)
  • Announcements
  • On-page SEO of Your Business

Hurry up and grab your spot before its gone! If you have any questions please contact us via email: info@mively.com

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