Posts filed under: Laugh out Loud

Siblings, Double The Trouble

By Aruj Sipra We love to hate them but still can’t imagine life without them. They annoy us, know all our strengths and weaknesses and are usually our first best... Read More

Social Un-Pleasantries…Let’s Not!

By Naheed Ashraf I wonder how many of us would agree when asked if they have ever been in situation where they wished they had a pellet instead of tongue.... Read More

10 Things You Know About Desi Women

By Nabeela Ahsan   Everyone knows her, the desi woman.  She’s the one who looks you up and down, inside out as you pass her in the mall- a look... Read More

How NOT To Start A Conversation

By Naheed Ashraf Have you ever been in a position where the start of a conversation became the end of it? If not really the end but it truly sucked... Read More

How NOT To Start A Conversation

By Naheed Ashraf Have you ever been in a position where the start of a conversation became the end of it? If not really the end but it truly sucked... Read More