By: Madiha Malik

Muraqabah (meditation) in Islam:

Most of us know that our Prophet (PBUH) used to go to a cave in Mount Hira to meditate and that is where he saw Jibril (AS) for the first time. This part of our history tells us that meditation is not a new concept for us. In fact, as Muslims, we are encouraged to learn to reflect on ourselves and become more self-aware. The well-being of a community depends on how much people step back to connect with themselves. Learning to strengthen our relationship with Allah (SWT) starts with us practicing mindfulness.

Mindfulness and meditation have become more crucial now than ever before due to the number of stimuli that we are surrounded by. There are so many distractions around us that do not allow us to unplug and keep us on a roller coaster that is continuously moving. Our lives have become so fast-paced that we need to slow down. Our minds need a break from all the overthinking that we do and from always being preoccupied. Experiencing silence and solitude through meditation allows our brains to disengage from unnecessary matters and concentrate on the blessings of the present moment.

So, what exactly is meditation?

Meditation is a practice where one finds a quiet, calm, and relaxing space to temporarily detach from their to-do lists, responsibilities, relationships, obligations to connect within their own feelings and physical sensations. Meditation can be done for as little as ten minutes. The following steps are generally how meditation is done to become more compassionate towards yourself and responsive towards other people and situations instead of reactionary.

  1. Find a quiet space
  2. Straighten your spine as you sit.
  3. Exhale all the air out and inhale as deep as you can to create more oxygen flow within the body.
  4. Connect with your body from head to toe by imagining the oxygen reaching all the places.
  5. Acknowledge all sensations. Breathe to release any tension and relax.
  6. Allow kindness, compassion, and acceptance to embrace your feelings.
  7. Practice gently observing thoughts that may be causing any stress.
  8. Remind yourself that Allah (SWT) is always there for us and is watching over us.

We can add our own personal rituals in mediation such as focusing on being grateful by taking those moments to think about our blessings. We can also focus on Allah (SWT) names and reflect on their meaning to become closer to Him. In essence, meditation helps us realize no matter how intense our emotions may be or how difficult our challenges may be, Allah’s (SWT) power will always be bigger. Becoming mindful through meditative practices helps us learn to guard our hearts. Connecting with Allah (SWT) in solitude helps us looking at the bigger picture and finding relief through our faith in His plans.



About the Author:

My Name is Madiha. I am a kindergarten educator (RECE) and mama of a two-year-old. I am passionate about teaching young children and supporting families. My website is a small effort to break the big silence on postpartum depression and anxiety, in particular, amongst the south Asian community.