By Iman Khan

Kaamilah Online

Entrepreneurship is synonymous to relentless hard work, enduring commitment, and immense dedication. It advertently comes with a series of spiraling highs as well as staggering lows. Our ability to handle these oscillations is directly proportional to our efficiency and productivity as a capable businessperson.

A little over seven months ago, I too bit the proverbial bullet to delve into the business world by becoming a part of Toronto-based, Kaamilah Boutique.

Kaamilah, translating to complete in Arabic, is the original luxury boutique for Muslim families in Canada. The concept opened its doors to the GTA community in the Fall of 2013. Farheen Khan, the vision extraordinaire and powerhouse behind this endeavour initiated the space to support and grow small businesses owned by enterprising Muslimahs.

Kaamilah has worked to provide a sociable platform to house brands and their craft under one roof. It is a collective effort that fosters sisterhood and positivity, and strives to function as a cooperative to assist with the growth of each individual business. With brands like The Craft Souk, The Olive Tree Soap Company, Kashkha, Dara Boutique, Smore Treats, Hafsa Creates, among others, Kaamilah hosts a dynamic team that lends creativity and resourcefulness to our community.

I have learned much from my association with Kaamilah and I hope that some of these lessons can also help aspiring Mompreneurs in our midst.

At Kaamilah, here are some ground rules and useful reminders we stand by to maintain a balanced approach:

Visualize positive scenarios

The power of the mind is immense. And you can leverage this attribute by occupying it with happy thoughts! Think up a vision of everything you hope to achieve, and your dream will unravel before you! For this reason, most successful entrepreneurs have vision boards that help them keep their eye on the ball and consequently, steer them to reach their set goals successfully.

Give of yourself to others

Always do well by your peers, guests and customers. Honesty is indeed the best policy. Be fair in all of your business dealings, and never hesitate to give useful advice, collaborate or offer a helping hand to someone in need, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone to accommodate another.  A state of mind that is positive improves decision-making skills, and helps in better judgment.

Optimism is the attitude of the Believer

Meditate, perform Salah, immerse yourself in Dhikr and ask Allah SWT for His Help and Guidance, always. In good times, show gratitude and when in a fix, ask of Allah, fully knowing only He is capable of guiding us on the Right Path, setting right our wrongs, and the caretaker of our Rizq.

 Say Alhumdullilah – now, and always!

Be perpetual in your gratitude towards Allah SWT and everything that you have been bestowed with, and in the process watch your life transform for the better. Stay grounded in the face of success, and disappointments. A positive, grateful temperament is your mainstay to success in this life and the Hereafter. Always seek the smaller blessings that have been sent your way to rid yourself of self-pity and hopelessness. Remember, the Mercies of Allah are infinite!

Be a people magnet

The attitude of an optimist who focuses on solutions rather than problems, and seeks valuable opportunities in every situation – is contagious.  Surround yourself with those who make you happy and bring out the best version of you.

Exercise and spend meaningful, quality time with family and friends. There is no substitute for happy living than good health and a great support system.

With a little effort towards inculcating a vigorous and positive psyche towards your work, and life in general, you will find yourself lucky more often than not. Here’s to shining optimism!

About the author: 

Iman Khan is a new immigrant to Canada, and lives with her family in Mississauga, ON. She is the creative founder of, and manages the online operations for luxury Muslim boutique –