By Khudaija Nagaria
photo credit: Charlón via photopin cc

photo credit: Charlón via photopin cc

Yet another serious heart-break,
Yet another unexpected blow,
Yet another discrete proof of,
Peoples fake and outward show!

Ready to help us all the time,
Support theyre willing to offer,
But when the time comes to ask,
Their words and actions differ!

Expectations are built and broken,
It happens again, and yet again,
One feels dejected and ditched,
Friendships are lost without gain!

Words of hope echo in your mind,
Their false claims give you tears,
But you, O human, do not stop,
To turn to the “Only” whos near!

Nothing to lose when you love Allah,
His pleasure wins you all gain,
Benefits in this world and the next
Happiness and rewards, no pain!

Yet we humans fail to be believers,
We find it difficult to rely on Him,
Shaitaan wins the battle with us,
Chances of not being doomed are slim,

We know all this yet from people,
Our needs of love, we associate,
We get hurt but we keep trying,
To fool ourselves till we dissipate,

Then we gather our shattered self,
We bow down to Him in depression,
We renew our faith, and we pledge,
Well only yearn for His attention,

A few days pass by until we stick,
To the new promise and resolve,
However,Shaitaan doesnt cease,
We give in to his tricks, we absolve!

Our mind tries to hold us back but,
Our heart craves for love and care,
Self-deceived and  misguided again,
We turn to the creation in despair!

Knowingly we treat ourself unkind,
We get involved in people again,
Expecting from others rather than Him,
Utterly dismayed, we shout in pain…

“Yet another serious heart-break,
Yet another unexpected blow,
Yet another discrete proof of,
Peoples fake and outward show!”

About the author:

Khudaija Nagaria is a teacher by profession and a student of theDeen. She also has an MBA but focuses on freelance writing for Islamic websites and magazines. She is also the Contributing Editor at Muslimaat Magazine. Khudaija prays that her writing be a means of sadaqa e jaariyah for her parents, Aameen.