CanVita Vitamins are halal certified vitamins manufactured in Canada. Monira Ali, is a momprenuer and the co-owner of this company. We interviewed her to find out more about her business story:

1. Please tell us about yourself? Your name, where you’re from, where do you currently live.
A. My name is Monira Ali. I am originally from Egypt and currently I live in Calgary.

2. What is your business name and when did you get started?
Our business is called Canvita Halal vitamins and we  started our company in 2015.

3. What inspired & motivated you to start your own business?
We searched around for Halal vitamins for quite sometime but didnt find anything. So We decided to start this business to provide halal vitamins to Muslims.

4. What are your business goals?
To have the best sales of gummy vitamins in Canada in the next 3 years

5. What were the challenges you faced and how did you overcome them?
There were lots of challenges that we faced starting with finding a manufacturer that is certified Halal then getting Health Canada approval and distribution.

6. The best business advice you ever received?
There is lots of business help available from the government that lots of people don’t know anything about like grants, consultants, connections etc.

7. Tell us about the products you offer?
We offer halal range of vitamins and supplements that any Muslim family may need including tasty gummy vitamins

8. How do you advertise your business?
We have 2 channels – Digital and face to face

9. How does your business help the community?
We offer products that lots of Muslim customers are hesitant to buy as most of companies offer non halal vitamins.

10. How do you balance your business & home life?
I dedicate my time when kids are at school for the work.

11. Hobbies, interests. How do you unwind yourself?

12. What is a day in your life like?
Helping kids to go to school – then work in the company then do all my chores.

13. Is your family involved in your business?
Yes, my husband is my partner.

14. What advice would you give to others who want to start their own business?
Start as soon as you can as making  a business succeed will take time and effort.

15. How can we find you online- social media platforms sites & personal site & email etc?

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