By Mona Ismaeil

Pink Hijab Day

We’ve all heard of Global Pink Hijab Day but how many of us actually know how or where it started? You would be surprised to know that this global event started as an experiment by the founder Hend El-Buri and a group of high school students in Columbia, Missouri.

The purpose of this experiment was to do 3 things:

Hijab: By having a number of women wear pink hijabs, the idea was to encourage people to ask questions about the hijab and Islam. It is the opportunity for Muslim women to explain to Non-Muslims why we wear hijab.

Society: It is meant to encourage Muslim women to be active members of the community. To get out and participate in something that is not just specific to our deen.

Health: To raise funds for breast cancer research and increase awareness of breast cancer and how it impacts us all.

Did you know?

  • Breast Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer death in women?
  • 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime?
  • Philippines has the highest incidence rate for breast cancer in Asia?
  • Men can get breast cancer but women are 100 times more likely than men?

 The Pink Hijab

This event was to bring together Mohajabas and Non-Mohajabas wearing pink hijabs, scarves, shirts, etc. as a movement and a gesture of solidarity in support of those affected by breast cancer. Global Pink Hijab Day is held on the last Wednesday of October. For 2014, that would be Wednesday October 29th.

Although this movement started in a small collage town in Missouri it has grown and is now observed in many countries around the world.  Breast Cancer does not discriminate. It knows no race, nor religion. Each and every one of us has known someone affected by breast cancer. This means either someone who has survived it, someone who is currently fighting it, or in unfortunate cases; someone who has passed away from it. We might even know someone who knows someone. We are all aware of how this tragic disease takes so much from so many women AND their families.

What can we do? As most of us are not doctors or health specialists we need to look at what we have in our reach to do to help bring an end to this disease.  AWARENESS! That’s what we can do! As women, we need to stand together to shed light on how common breast cancer is. This is not a taboo topic and we need to have open and honest conversations about it. Although we all want to believe we are untouchable, we are not. God Forbid it is one of us in that physician’s office getting the news, we would want know that there were women out there trying to help. Women who could feel our pain. Women who were praying for our health.

Pink Hijab Day

Take a look in your community. Is there an event taking place? If so, GET INVOLVED! If not, START SOMETHING! On y part, I am proud to announce that my business Modern Hejab as well as with my friend The Muslimah Mommy will be hosting a Pink Hijab Day Get-Together. We will be meeting over breakfast to discuss the topic of breast cancer, pray for those fighting breast cancer and to celebrate the survivors.  The same time, we will be raising funds for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.  Modern Hejab has a selection of Pink Hijabs on sales and I will be donating $1.00 from their sales throughout the month of October, to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.

We can do this today, so our daughters don’t suffer tomorrow.  Please, get involved in any way you can.

May Allah bless us all with a lifetime of health and happiness. May he ease any pain and grant patience to overcome any obstacles.

About the author:

Mona Ismaeil is mother to a sweet little toddler, owner at Modern Hejab  and a blogger.